In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where you can showcase the books you received during the week.
This is probably my favorite IMM because LOOOK!
Overall it was $140. $99 for the Kindle it self, $30 for a 2 year warranty & $10 for the purple cover (bought separately from Amazon while the Kindle was from Best Buy. Keep in mind at Best Buy you would have to pay tax but I didn't mention that since my dad bought the Kindle and he gets tax money back because he's tourist)
I'm really loving this Kindle Touch so far, it's performance is even better then expected and I'm so glad I went and bought it! As soon as I really break it in, expect a review on it!
Onto the books I got this week:
Jersey Angel by Anne Greenwood Brown- I love contemporary and beach reads so I can't wait to dig into this! Thank you Wendy Lamb Books & Random House<3
Lies Beneath Beth Ann Bauman- I kind of squealed when I got this (I swear I did!) It's one my most anticipated books of the year so I'm beyond excited to start it! Thank you Delacorte Press & Random House<3
What did you get this week?