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Monday, December 16, 2013

Guest Post: April from Good Books & Good Wine on Christmas Traditions

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All my Christmas fanatics in the house holla at me! Besides being a fan of awkward slang and talking like a youth, I am totally a big huge fan of Christmas and am beyond pumped to be here today at The Book Barbies to tell you about one of my favorite Christmas traditions and how it got started in my life.

Y'all, I used to watch The Weather Channel on Christmas Eve while trying to fall asleep. I know that is so weird but it would always soothe me. Anyways, one Christmas Eve back when I was in high school, I traded this habit for another Christmas Eve TV experience. You see, I was flipping channels and landed on NBC where they were airing a black and white movie. I was captivated, also the lead was pretty darn good looking. (Jimmy Stewart, ILY FOREVER)


After some IMDBing and some googling, I found out that the movie was It's A Wonderful Life and you guys I became something of a fan that night. Flash forward to the next year, and I am wandering downstairs even though, you know, that's where Santa is, when I find out my mom is watching It's A Wonderful Life at the same time I am. So, I stay downstairs and we end up watching the movie together.

Every year after that, when I have been home, I have always watched It's A Wonderful Life on TV on NBC on Christmas Eve, even though I totally have the DVD and yes, it does get play through out the year. There's just something so magical to me about George Bailey coming to accept and cherish his lot in life and realizing just how important he is. And yes, you guys, I sob every single time when they collect all that money to help George. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I can't help it. I love it.


Have you seen It's A Wonderful Life? Is watching it a tradition in your household too? If not, what are your Christmas Eve traditions? Let me know in the comments -- I am so excited to learn about you!

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog, April! It's a Wonderful Life is one of my favorites, too.