Author: Melissa C. Walker
Published: May 2009 (HarperTeen)
Rating: Lunch Break Read
Format: Paperback lent to me from Racquel
Summary: Yay, summer in Austin! Good food, good times. Fun for everyone!I read Lovestruck Summer on a recommendation from Racquel - when she sent it to me in the mail with a note that basically said, "READ IT!" So I did. It was my last day of Bout of Books. I wanted something quick and fun, and Lovestruck Summer delivered.
Okay, living with my sorority-brainwashed cousin, who willingly goes by "Party Penny," is not exactly what I had in mind.
But the cute musicians I've met totally make up for it . . . like Sebastian. Swoon.
So why can't I stop thinking about Penny's friend All-American Russ and his Texas twang??
Saturday & Sunday, from noon to midnight. Don't wait up!
Quinn - or Priscilla if you're her mom or the infuriating belt buckle-wearing Texan next door - was a music
Her plans came to pass...to an extent. The internship was there even if it didn't meet her exact expectations. She met Sebastian the hipster DJ almost right off the bat. There was obviously lots of music, but some of it was country. (Surprise! You're in Texas, honey.)
There were several things that were fabulous about this book. It was all about MUSIC! As a music lover myself, I always enjoy stories that incorporate music. Another thing was that Lovestruck Summer challenged stereotypes and encouraged readers to do the same. Sorority girls are all interchangeable bimbos? All country music is whiny and boring? False.
Melissa Walker knows how to write atypical love interests and teens who act like teens, both things I appreciate. Of course, as we've all been and known teenagers, we know this isn't always a plus on the enjoyment scale, but what it does do is add a nice element of realism to the experience. While Quinn had some hang-ups and preconceptions that were frustrating at times, it only served to make the book more realistic.
Russ was all kinds of adorable. I loved watching Quinn accidentally - and against her will - fall for him, fighting all the while. Throw in a cast of unique characters including a cross-dressing dog, and you've never read anything like it. Lovestruck Summer was quick and entertaining - a good summer read!
First: I live my life in headphones.
Favorite: “Music is music, Priscilla,” says Russ. “If you love music, you give it all a listen. You see what there is to learn in every song you hear. You take chances on shows. That’s part of it.”