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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Top Ten Authors Whose Books We Hoard the Most

Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This Week's Topic:
Top Ten Authors Whose Books We Hoard the Most, AKA Top Ten Authors We Own the Most Books Of
Racquel's Picks
I'm not for the summer so I don't have my shelves so I'm going off of memory!
01. Lisa Kleypas. EASY answer. I have all 3 of the Travis series in 3 forms: hardcover, mass market paperback and ebook. That's 9. Then the 4 Friday Harbor books and random historical romances of hers that I can't remember. Every time I go to Half Priced Books, I buy a Lisa Kleypas book.
02. Richelle Mead. 6 Vampire academy books + 4 Bloodlines books = 10 books. I love me some vampires, okay?
03. Cassandra Clare. 3 Mortal Instruments books + 3 Infernal devices books = 6 books. I enjoyed the first 3 Mortal Instruments books but the Infernal Devices series is one of my favorites ever ever ever.
04. Ally Carter. The Gallagher Girls series by Heist Society series. Who doesn't love spies?!!
05. Julie Anne Long. In ebook, I have all 9 of the Pennyroyal Green books. MY FAVORITE.

Sharon's Picks
01. Laura Ingalls Wilder (10 books). Oh, the Little House books. ♥

02. Lisa Kleypas (9 books). Surprise, surprise, right? Actually, the shocking fact is that I actually haven't read 2 of these! I really should get on that...

03. Janette Oke (8 books). Similar to the Little House books, I grew up with the Love Comes Softly series. I love them! I'm only one away from collecting them all.

04. Julia Quinn (7 books). Julia Quinn's books are the best for if you want an equal dose of entertainment and swoons. I adore her, and her books are sure to make me laugh. (Or possibly change it up and make me sob. Thanks, When He Was Wicked.)

05. J.K. Rowling (7 books). Harry Potter, obviously. Forever. ♥

06. Sarah Mayberry (7 books). I love collecting Sarah Mayberry's books because I never know exactly what I'm going to get what I read one, but I know it's going to be good.

07. Susan Elizabeth Phillips (7 books). This collection is thanks to a book sale a few years back where I stumbled across almost the entire Stars series. After my disastrous bout with Heaven, Texas, I haven't read any more, but I really should! I've enjoyed everything else I've read by her.

08. Jill Shalvis (7 books). Again with the shock factor, I know! I need more, though. You can never have enough Lucky Harbor! Plus, I don't own either of her baseball books, and that's just wrong.

09. LaVyrle Spencer (6 books). I actually just ran across a huge collection of her books when I was out perusing thrift stores for my Queen Amidala costume a couple weeks ago, so I picked up 4 more, bringing me to a total of 6. Racquel and I don't talk about her as much as we should (though we're dedicating a post to her here soon!), but she's a favorite.

10. Courtney Milan (6 books). And it will be 7 SO SOON because The Suffragette Scandal is finally out, and I have book money again in August. So, yeah. If you feel an earthquake on August 1, don't worry, it's just my epic happydance resulting from getting The Suffragette Scandal and Silver Shadows on the same day. The ensuing flood will be caused by my tears of indecision regarding which to read first.