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Monday, August 25, 2014

(Bout of Books 11) Sharon's Wrap-Up

I had such fun this Bout of Books! It was my first time doing BOB while simultaneously working a full-time job, but I had total confidence that it could still be fun and successful. And I was right!

My Goals for Bout of Books 11

   • Read 2,000 pages from the following books
   • Discover some awesome new blogs and friends
   • Participate in one Twitter chat
   • Participate in four or more challenges


I did it! Even though it's not in the picture, I named Game of Thrones as an official alternate, as it had not yet come in for me at the library when I made the post. I met my goal of 2000 pages on Friday and wound up reading several hundred more pages, though the last book was not on my goal list. In total, I read 2,364 pages (5.84 books), an average of 337 pages a day.

Books I read:
My Faire Lady by Laura Wettersten (SO charming and adorable!)
Bite Me by Shelly Laurenston (All I can say is that I'm glad I only went in for the LOLs.)
The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith (Pretty good, but a little disappointing.)
It's in His Kiss by Jill Shalvis (Wonderful, as always! I'm going to cry SO HARD when this series ends.)
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin (Worth the wait! I started the second one today.)
The Importance of Being Wicked by Miranda Neville (Started but finished after BOB. But it's not a Bout of Books without at least one historical romance!)

Even though this isn't in the best "book count" result I've ever had, I am thoroughly happy! Flail, not fail! Plus, I FINALLY started the Song of Ice and Fire series, which I've been wanting to read for nearly a decade. I also wrote a review during Bout of Books for the first time in the nine times I've participated. Gasp! I also completed more than four challenges, met some fabulous people, AND (in addition to the awesome chat Saturday) was even able to participate in about half the Twitter chat on Wednesday, though I thought I would miss it completely. *cheers*

I also liked having the page goal instead of the book goal, because I then didn't feel stressed about starting a book at the end I wasn't going to have time to finish. It really doesn't affect anything either way, but it bothered me less for some reason, haha. Regardless, jury's still out on whether I'll stick to this or go back to a book goal next time. But whatever I do, I'm sure it'll be a blast!

Until next time, my fellow #boutofbooks-ers. ♥