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Monday, May 6, 2013

(Bout of Books 7.0) Goals & Updates

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 13th and runs through Sunday, May 19th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 7.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.
I am so excited, you guys! I lovelovelove readathons, and Bout of Books is my favorite of them all! This time around, you might notice my goals are a little light. This is due to the fact that I graduate on Saturday, move into my new apartment this weekend, and start my internship (along with my job that I already work) on Monday...which is also the day Bout of Books starts. So my life is going to be a little hectic. But am I going to let that stop me? No, siree! Also, due to the whole just-moving-into-the-apartment thing, it is likely that I will not have super reliable internet access, so I probably won't be able to do as many challenges as I usually like. But we will still be hosting a challenge here! Fear not.

My Goals for Bout of Books 7.0

   • Read 4 of the following books
   • Discover some awesome new blogs and friends
   • Participate in at least one of the Twitter chats
   • Participate in two or more challenges (not including the one hosted here)

Books To Read

   01. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
   02. Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty
   03. Kiss Crush Collide by Christina Meredith
   04. How to Lead a Life of Crime by Kirsten Miller
   05. About Last Night by Ruthie Knox
   06. Can't Buy Me Love by Molly O'Keefe
   07. Never Seduce a Scot by Maya Banks
   08. Silk Is for Seduction by Loretta Chase

*If I feel so inclined, the rest of the Jessica Darling books totally count as acceptable substitutes.
**Also, I will be reading This Is What Happy Looks Like as part of a readalong during these dates! So it will be included for sure.


Monday (5/13)
Books Read Today:
  In-Progress: This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith (270 pages)
Challenge: None
Total Books Read: ~.75
Total Pages Read: 270

Tuesday (5/14)
Books Read Today:
  Completed: This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith
  In-Progress: Kiss Crush Collide by Christina Meredith (278 pages)
Challenge: #1: Alternate Title Challenge hosted here at The Book Barbies!
#2: Soundtrack Challenge hosted at Medusa's Library
One of the first that comes to mind for this is the Breaking Dawn Part 2 soundtrack and the Matched trilogy. I was obsessing over this soundtrack at the same time as I was reading these books, and they actually went really well together! So now the two are connected in my head.
Total Books Read: ~1.75
Total Pages Read: 411

Wednesday (5/15)
Books Read Today:
  Completed: Kiss Crush Collide by Christina Meredith
  In-Progress: Silk is for Seduction by Loretta Chase (78)
Challenge: None
Total Books Read: ~2.25
Total Pages Read: 524

Thursday (5/16)
Books Read Today:
  In-Progress: Silk is for Seduction by Loretta Chase (78)
Challenge: None
Total Books Read: ~2.25
Total Pages Read: 524

Friday (5/17)
Books Read Today:
  In-Progress: Silk is for Seduction by Loretta Chase (107)
Challenge: N/A
Total Books Read: ~2.5
Total Pages Read: 553

Saturday (5/18)
Books Read Today:
  Completed: Silk is for Seduction by Loretta Chase
  In-Progress: Scandal Wears Satin by Loretta Chase (11)
Challenge: None
Total Books Read: ~3
Total Pages Read: 1086

Sunday (5/19)
Books Read Today:
  In-Progress: Scandal Wears Satin by Loretta Chase (40)
Challenge: None
Total Books Read: ~3.25
Total Pages Read: 1115

Okay, so apparently, I underestimated the sheer amount of time an internship, plus a job, plus moving (and all the errands that entails) takes. Plus how much it made me actually want a decent amount of sleep each night. Not to mention the fact that I didn't have internet, and apparently our library's public wifi is practically nonexistent. Which, sadly, meant that I could not participate in any of the Twitter chats. And only one challenge besides ours (which Racquel typed; we communicated about it via text). This was officially my least successful BOB ever. I still had fun and consider myself a participant, because I did try to read more than I would have otherwise. But I am definitely looking forward to the next BOB when I'll be able to fully participate.