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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Racquel's Top Ten Auto-buy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This Week's Topic:
Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors
This topic is similar to last week's but I'll never pass up the chance to push my favorite author's on people!

01.  Lisa Kleypas OF COURSE
She writes it, I read it. Whatever the genre is. Historical, contemporary, magical realism, grocery store list, I'll read it and LOVE it. There is a reason she's my favorite author in the universe!!

Holy slow burn romance!! O'Connell writes historical western romance and the sexual tension is riiiiiiiiidiculous. I'm currently anxiously waiting for any news about a new release for her. I seriously cannot recommend all her books enough. Slow burn swoon is the best swoon!

03. Sarah Ockler
Excellent, thought provoking, emotional and always moving contemporary YA? Big fat yes anyone? Her latest, The Summer of Chasing Mermaids is beyond excellent.

04. Carrie Arcos
Arcos only released two books but they're two of my all time favorite books and I'll pant after her new books and auto buy them like crazy. She writes subtle YA that packs a PUNCH.

I wait 364 days a year for JJ's alpha heroines then I read the book, fall in love and spend the next year rereading her books until the new one coms out. Smart novels anyone? Alpha heroins? Sexy heroes? Urban setting? HERE FOR IT.

Queen of contemporary, which is how I like my YA. Plus Sarah Dessen is pretty much why I read, write, blog. HERE FOR HER BOOKS.

Echols writes the best ladies in YA and I can't get enough of them. Dying wishes is more girls in YA like how Echols write them: messy, complex, complicated, multi dimensional. Yes please.

08. Julie Anne Long
Her Pennyroyal Green series is 10 books long and just keeps getting better. She is my ultimate favorite historical romance author.

No one writes heroines like Sherry Thomas does in the historical romance genre AND her novels are beyond smart. Queen.

Who will NOT auto buy Victorian sexy Scottish heroes? WHO?
Let the buying commence! Do we share any auto buy authors?

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