This Week's Topic:
Top Ten Underrated Books in X Genre
If you're a fan of contemporary YA and haven't read they contemporary YA books then you're no fan of contemporary YA!
Just kidding.
(not really).
So in NO particular order:
01. Anatomy of a Boyfriend by Daria Snadowsky if you claim to like realistic YA then you MUST (your life depends on it) read Anatomy of a Boyfriend and Anatomy of a Single Girl. These are REAL, they are RAW and you know what, they might make you uncomfortable but heyyyy, reality sometimes makes us uncomfortable. I want more YA books like this. They deal with realistic EVERYDAY aspects of a teen life, it doesn't have to be tragic.
02. Burning by Elana K Arnold: this book is so unique and I want more YA books like it. Average American teen boy. Romani girl. Romance. What will happen?
03. Out of Reach + There Will Come a Time by Carrie Arcos: these are subtle books but they pack a whole lotta punch and tears. Carrie Arcos is a rockstar and made her way to my favorite author list with just two books (I'm usually hesitant to call authors favorites unless I read 3+ more books by them. Arcos only has 2 novels published so far.)
04. There You'll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones: if I had to rate my ALL TIME FAVORITE YA BOOKS EVER, There You'll Find Me will be #4, give or take. READ THIS BOOK. READ THIS BOOK. READ. THIS. BOOK. It's a beautiful, moving book. It's set it in Ireland too so what are you waiting for? (the audio is also excellent)
05. OCD Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu: this is a big SURPRISE, BITHC! book. You think it will be cute and funny thanks to the title and cover but OH MAN, it will make you hella uncomfortable, so uncomfortable it actually made me sob. Round of applause to Haydu! Please buy her books.
06. Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas: My mission in life is to get EVERYONE to read Dangerous Girls. It is contemporary buts its a mystery/thriller that will leave you brain fucked. Read it. Be shocked. Love it. Amen.
07. The Chapel Wars by Lindsey Levitt: Vegas! Chapels! Rivalry! Family! Fabulous Dialogue! ROMANCE! Friends! Laughs!!!! Everyone should read this book, especially if you want something cute but with so much heart and substance.
08. Audacious by Gabrielle Prendergast: this verse novel is no joke. It's bold and I bet it will make people uncomfortable. That's why I love it. Heh.
09. Welcome, Caller, This is Chloe by Shelley Coriell: if you liked Lola and Boy Next Door, Welcome, Caller is INFINITELY better. Yeah. I went there. Boom.
10. The Nature of Jade by Deb Caletti: this one is an oldie which is maybe why I think it's underrated but ZOMG. Elephants! A teenager dad!
Cheating section: underrated NA
If you want different-y NA, then I'M HERE FOR YOU, GIIIIRL!
01. Where I End and You Begin by Andra Brynn: y'all, READ. THIS. BOOK. Seriously. Seriously. Seriously. Just read it, ok? If I could make you read 3 books (I can't say 1, because that would be Dangerous Girls) Where I End and You Begin would be one of them. If you want something more from NA, this book is FOR YOU.
02. First Comes Love, Second Chance and Finally, Forever by Katie Kacvinsky this is an NA series that follows the same couple and I bet you can read all three fabulous books in one day.
03. Secret for a Song by S.K. Falls: this book is not for everyone. It is not. But if you can handle reading about Munchausen Syndrome and respect this disorder, then get on it.
04. Boomerang by Noelle August: I wrote a review AND a made a fabulous graphic on why you should read this book. Basically funny, sweet and sexy and worth your few bucks.
05. What Scotland Taught Me and Relatively Honest by Molly Ringle: this are two NA books that came out before NA became a thing so they're definitely different from your average NA book.
So have you read any of these and agree/disgaree? Did you anything (or everything) to your tbr? make my day and tell me!